Once I have created my list of "10 Things" I begin to think of activities that could accomplish the outcomes of the Arts Education Curriculum. I compare the list and the outcomes to find activities.
For example, in my Hero's Journey Unit, I thought of doing a series of Tableaus with students about the Hero's Journey. I then thought we could compare legends and myths and see if they matched Lord Raglan's Hero's Cycle (Lord Raglan wrote a book called "The Hero" where he theorized that all myths and legends follow a similar pattern). Another activity I could do is watch "Return of the Jedi" and compare it to Lord Raglan's Hero's Cycle as George Lucas said that he based the Star Wars Saga on the Hero's Cycle.
So now I have a "Creative Productive Activity" in the Tableaus. I have a "Cultural Historic Activity" in the comparing myths. Finally, I have a "Critical Responsive Activity" in watching Star Wars.
However, three activities do not make a unit. Therefore, there are other ways to approach finding activites like Efland's Approach.